Life Apps LLC التطبيقات

LifeSaver Tag a Texter 1.0
Life Apps LLC
Tag a Texter is a free app that lets you getinvolved in solving the distracted driving epidemic. Designedsolely for the non-driver, you can use this app to "tag" people yousee driving while using mobile devices.Each anonymous tag generates a pin (location, date and time) on ourLifeSaver National Map of Distraction ( Themap is a great way to see distracted driving trends in yourcommunity, such as the location and time of day where people arehaving the most problem staying off their phones in drivingsituations.Tagging a Texter is easy - just click the big Red button whenyou see a Distracted Driver. You don't need to take a photo or evenpoint your phone at them! Our goal is not to shame people, butrather to quantify the problem so that over time we can see howvarious efforts (such as legislation, education, law enforcementand technologies like LifeSaver) are helping to solve the problem.With your help, we can initiate a grass roots effort to helpincrease the national dialogue around this problem.By downloading this app, you acknowledge the following:1) Tag a Texter is not intended for use while driving, nor bypassengers using the app in a distracting way to the driver.2) A data plan is required for the Tag a Texter app as it relies onlocation services (GPS) and data streaming of information.3) Photos are optional unless required for entry into one of ourLifeSaver Contests for verification of the valid distracteddriver.4) You have read and agreed to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policyfound on www.lifesaver-app.comAny inappropriate photos uploaded using this app will be removed ifseen or reported to
LifeSaver - Distracted Driving 10.5.1
Life Apps LLC
Peace of mind deterring mobile distraction for fleets and families.